Letter #94

Barbados 9th Jany 38

Such a favorable opportunity offers my dear Kate that I must not allow it to pass without sending you a short letter, notwithstanding the packet sails a few days afterwards. The Gannet Capt Wick leaves us tomorrow for England direct and will touch at Portsmouth for a time. Yesterday Capt Wick called and offered to take any package I could prepare for you. Consequently on my return from the General’s ...     Read more

Letter #95

Barbados 14th Jany 1838

You will be fatigued with deciphering two of my letters in a week dear Kit but the Packet sails tomorrow and write I must or be liable to a Wickham wigging. The victims have landed from Freight ship Halifax packet Capt Cromarty and blooming youths they look for this sun to feast upon. The three dined with me on friday. After reporting their arrival they looked so new that the black ...     Read more

Letter #96

Barbados 6th Feby 1838

My good dear Wife

The long expected William Miles came to anchor yesterday morning early and the 70 & 64 detachments landed in the afternoon. Capt O’Brien is of the party, I hear, but have not yet seen him. No doubt ere this is put into the letter bag, he or the articles, valued they will be as coming from dear home, may be forthcoming. What a pleasure it is, first the anticipation, ...     Read more

Letter #97

Dominica 4th March 1838

Fortunately the packet for England is late in making this Island my dear Kate, for every possible contretemps has occurred to conspire against my writing. Your last letter of the 16th or 17th of Jany reached me at St Lucia, thus you will observe that the long anticipated tour of Inspection with the Genl & Staff has commenced. We embarked on thursday the 8th of ...     Read more

Letter #98

This letter appears incomplete – probably a sheet has been lost.

Barbados 20th March 1838

Various events have transpired since I wrote to you my dear Kate from Dominica, and of moment in our small society in so far as they afford new matter to talk over. The surmises these changes cause are numerous and very amusing to such a poor wither’d burnt up set of mortals doomed to drag on their existence under this scorching ...     Read more

Letter #99

Written from Barbados; not dated at head, 1 April 1838 on cover 

The use of the word ‘Johny’ to mean a Liberal relates to Lord John Russell, party leader from 1834, and Home Secretary at this time. 

Stalleen is a village in County Meath, north of Dublin, Ireland. English must have been there when he was working on the Survey. 

Are you my dear Kate still a great Tory or gradually a good Johny, ...     Read more

Letter #100

Written from Barbados, not dated at head, dated 16 April 1838 on cover, begun on 15 April. A piece has been cut out, so there are many gaps. This may be explained by the fact that FE wrote an authority to transfer some money to Cox & Co on this letter.

Never read your letters, my dear Kate? Why, I read them over and over, but it so frequently occurs that in the course of the two months or thereabouts ...     Read more

Letter #101

Written from Barbados 

‘Cul’ is Culduthel, a suburb of Inverness and home of the Fraser family. 

English again urges his wife to use influence to get him an order; it is clear from letter 109 that he has his eye on the Companionship of the Bath. ‘The old boat story’ refers to his rescue of fishermen in the Moray Firth in 1823, for which he was awarded the silver medal of the Royal Humane ...     Read more

Letter #102

Captain Basil Hall RN was a popular travel writer. His Schloss Hainfeld, in which the Countess of Purgstall appears, was published in 1836.

Barbados 15th May 1838

Have this moment laid aside Schloss Hainfeld or A Winter in Lower Styria by Capt Basil Hall. You will exclaim my dear Kate, ‘Of what interest is that to me?’ However, the interest on my part is far greater because I estimate the writing to Kate much above ...     Read more

Letter #103

Not dated at head but dated on cover: ‘Barbados May thirty 1838’

No more time can be spared my dear Kate for the direction of newspapers, for taking into account the usual interuptions the chances are much against your obtaining a long account of the Col, as Gusto terms me in his very entertaining letters. He collects more Corps news than the Wickhamites, Capt Tait or all my esteemed brother ...     Read more