Further Reading

Hilary McD Beckles: A History of Barbados, 2nd ed 2017.

Ewan Clayton: The Golden Thread: The Story of Writing, 2013: tells the history of pens.

Major Michael Hartland: A Concise & Illustrated Military History of Barbados, 1627-2007, 2007

Tristram Hunt: Ten Cities that Made an Empire, 2014: Bridgetown is city number 1.

Matthew Lewis: Journal of a West India Proprietor: Kept during a Residence in the Island of Jamaica, 1833 (reprinted in Oxford World Classics): contains much detail on sugar estates in Jamaica in English’s time.

Kenneth Morgan: Slavery and the British Empire: From Africa to America, 2007: a concise history of slavery.

Matthew Parker: The Sugar Barons, 2012: a history of the sugar industry in the West Indies up to the emancipation of the slaves.

Matthew Parker: Willoughbyland, 2015: the story of Francis Willoughby, a Royalist exiled from Barbados during the Commonwealth, who briefly established a British colony in what is now Suriname.

J.H. Parry, Philip Sherlock and Anthony Maingot: A Short History of the West Indies, 1987

Laura Shepherd-Robinson: Blood and Sugar, 2019: a novel about the West India Interest, who lobbied against slave emancipation in the late eighteenth century.

R M Willcocks: England’s Postal History to 1840, 1975: for information on postal services between Britain and the West Indies. 


Works available free on the internet 

Accounts and papers 1837-8, Fifth volume, 1838: has some interesting statistics and Captain J W Pringle’s Report on Prisons (see letter 89).

Henry Nelson Coleridge: Six Months in the West Indies in 1825, 2nd edition 1826: the author, a cousin of Bishop Coleridge, travelled with him on his first appointment. Letter 10 shows that the Colonel and his wife had read it. https://archive.org/details/sixmonthsinwesti00coleuoft/page/6/mode/2up

Lieutenant-Colonel A W Drayson: The Gentleman Cadet: His Career and Adventures at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1874: a bold attempt, presumably autobiographical but presented as  fiction, to do for Woolwich in the 1840s (just after Augustus English’s time) what Thomas Hughes had done for Rugby in the 1830s in Tom Brown’s Schooldays (1857). https://archive.org/details/gentlemancadeth00stangoog/page/n86/mode/2up

Sir Andrew Halliday: The West Indies: the Nature and Physical History of the Windward and Leeward Colonies, 1837 (also reprinted in Cambridge Library Collection Latin American Studies): the author was Inspector of Hospitals in the West Indies, 1833-37, and was acquitted in a court martial in 1836 (see letters 46 and 50). His book includes a dramatic account of the Barbados hurricane of 1831, the cause of the damage to the mole which English repaired, and praises the work of Bishop Coleridge and Governor Carmichael-Smyth.https://archive.org/details/b29304751/page/n5/mode/2up

Sir Andrew Halliday: A letter to the Right Honourable the Secretary at War, on sickness and mortality in the West Indies, 1839 (also reprinted in Cambridge Library Collection Latin American Studies): a plea for better medical facilities in the West Indian garrisons. https://archive.org/details/b22394217/page/n1/mode/2up

Luther Munday: A Chronicle of Friendships, 1912: of interest only because the author, an impresario on the London musical scene, was Frederick English jr’s son-in-law. https://archive.org/details/cu31924029872060/page/n345/mode/2up

Robert Hermann Schomburgk: A Description of British Guiana Geographical and Statistical, 1840 (also reprinted in Cambridge Library Collection Latin American Studies) https://archive.org/details/adescriptionbri00schogoog/page/n7/mode/2up

Robert Hermann Schomburgk: History of Barbadoes, 1848 (also reprinted in Cambridge Library Collection Latin American Studies): the author, an explorer, was commissioned by the Royal Geographical Society to explore British Guiana, and he also spent time in Barbados. English mentions him in letters 51 and 63 without saying whether they met, but they probably did. https://archive.org/details/historybarbados00schogoog/page/n9/mode/2up

Joseph Sturge and Thomas Harvey: The West Indies in 1837, 1838: a record of a visit to the islands in English’s time. https://archive.org/details/westindiesin183700stur/page/n5/mode/2up

Major-General Ferdinand Whittingham ed: A Memoir of the Services of Lt-Gen Sir Samuel Ford Whittingham, 1868: edited by the son who was the General’s ADC in the West Indies, it contains little on his service there in English’s time. https://archive.org/details/memoirofservices00whitrich/page/n7/mode/2up