Sheerness 22d. Feby 1834
Arrived here last night my dear Kate after a fagging day in town where little of moment occurred worth relating that I can recollect. After some trouble my baggage is collected on board & I trust all right but in the confusion it is impossible to count it over. The Capt only came down within this half hour to join his ship which is now getting under weigh. Tonight probably we shall reach the Downs and if the wind comes round a little may continue our course without casting anchor again. In town I have arranged that you can draw on Greenwood without interruption on my account. I did not state officially any sum but to the amount you might wish. To Mr Mansell I said probably six or more hundred pr ann, however we can settle this when I get out as I can then find out my wants. I have paid all the small bills – Ring &c, Lloyd for boots &c – that I could recollect in my haste. I have dinned Pickford to state his charge for the car & refer it to Edward who with his excellent wife were all kindness notwithstand his serious troubles which I trust & hope will end well.
I only write whilst the Capt & half his crew are talking and settling matters. They have now departed & Mr Molesworth Capt and Mrs Kay wait my closing this. Adieu my dear Kate, the parting is miserable but I hope some good fortune will soon bring us all together again. Love to all and believe me your attached Fred.
I will write from the Downs if we put in.