Of all the letters for which the dates of arrival are recorded, this took by far the longest – over four months – so Kate would not learn of the visit to Demerara until the next letter arrived, by which time her husband was back in Barbados.
R.E. Office Monday 24 Nov 34
I’m in such a bustle my dear Kate that it is with difficulty my head or pen will remain sufficiently steady to write even a line. At one today – now ¼ past 12 – Sir C Smith and your affectionate Lord embark on board the Dee steamer for Demerara. This is a sudden arrangement but I expect will be an exceedingly pleasant one as I am acquainted with Capt Ramsay & his Officers. Sir C intends visiting Berbice – but not as was at first proposed, to leave me there – return by Demerara, Trinidad &c to Barbados when it will be decided where I am to lodge myself. He has kindly offered to remove an officer shd I like Demerara. However this letter short as it must be, will be so far acceptable that you will know my movements & I shall write fuly by merchant vessels which leave the above Colony every week, sugar being manufactured there all the year round. On Thursday the Packet leaves this, and the fear that you might not have a letter by her has put me into a perfect fit. The day I reach our destination you shall have the usual packet of letters with my adventures. Nothing of moment has occured since I last wrote. Much attention has been paid me here. One visit has proved more remarkable than usual, having attended a Christening of a Miss Lefevre at the Principal Church of Bridgetown. All the gay people were present, a dejeuner afterwards & a ball in the evening. These humbugs I will describe more fully in my Demerara letters. Your last accounts quite delighted me. When you write in spirits in sets me up until the next mail reaches Barbados. Before this arrives at Wickham I shall have returned therefrom – direct your letters here as usual. I have not drawn more money since the 75, so you will observe I am behaving very well. Sir C has sent to say he is ready so God bless you all my dearest Kate
Your afft Fred