Letter #27

English has again written the wrong year at the head of his letter.

                                                                 6 am 1st. Feby 1834

The Gun has just fired my dear Kate as a signal that the packet is in sight, and I understand is not to be detained an instant, as some new regulations respecting the steamers, by which conveyance the mail is to be forwarded in future, is about to be put in force. However, after this preamble I have only time to write that I left Barbados in the Heroine as my last letter would inform you on Friday night about 9 o’clock (letter sent by the Barbadian merchant vessel) and after rather a boisterous passage landed yesterday about 2, my fellow passengers being Mr FitzGerald his wife and maid servant all the way from Kerry. He is a son of the Knight of Kerry & has come out here as one of the Stipd Magistrates. Poor young woman, I pitied her and thought how fortunate I was to have left you out of the way of such privations. By the time I had shaved and got refreshed and arranged to get a bed on shore from the vessel, borrowed a horse to mount the hill & called on Sir Dudley Hill, it was mess time and a pretty mess I was in, all adrift, no comfort or chance for a few days of enjoying any. The vessel being still at the mouth of the Harbour, my horse and heavy baggage cannot be landed. However this will shortly be set right. I enjoy what is of more consequence, excellent health and the reception of my old companions was sufficient to renovate the most desponding person. The officers of the garrison one and all came down to meet me and their hearty manner completely forget all regrets at quitting Barbados. After mess I was so done up, having had so little rest since the Belvidera ball on thursday night and the tossing about on Friday, that I could not hold up my head, therefore turned into a temporary bed made up by Alexander who was delighted to see me again, being on the wharf full fig to congratulate. Capt Tait has promised to send on the boxes which I have written so much about, and as several vessels are already here from England, I shall have many opportunities of writing to you my dear Kate, and I trust not in the hasty manner that circumstances have forced on me since I left my quiet cottage on Mourn Fortuné. I have very little to relate since I closed my last letter thursday morning, and which I requested Major Young to post at Liverpool. We had a large party on board the Belvidera and it went off they told me exceedingly well. For my own part I did not enjoy it, did not attempt to dance & was in haste to get home, but that was no easy matter as we depended on boats not easily to procured when a crowd are wishing to get to their beds. The fete was very handsomely done, the deck divided into two large Turkish fashioned tent, one for dancing, the other supper, and below refreshments all the night for the hungry and thirsty. I am now writing in Lt Lloyd’s 76 Regt. Room, not having yet recd my writing materials. And a monstrous fright I feel in that the Govr will close the bag before this can be sent down. A man waits at the door to take it the moment I can find courage to give up the pleasure of writing. On the 26th Inst I was under the necessity of drawing fifty pounds 33 of which I paid for a horse. I could go no longer without a proper one, for by some remarks Sir C Smith made I observed he did not like us to be ill mounted. The one I have purchased I hope will turn out well, he is out of a cargo of Americans, he is out of condition and has a coat as long as Old Charley’s is at times. The getting this in order will be some amusement to me. My sert a Frenchman is also new. The Bill I have drawn is at 30 days after sight that will be thirty three after presented at Cox & Co, thus it will be nearly the end of April before due. My trip to Demerara and Berbice rather put my finance system out of order, but it was beyond my controul, but will recover soon. It goes much against my inclination to draw on England but I required money to pay the passage of myself, sert and Horse, which will be replaced but I had to fork out. Rain here as usual, and would you believe it I had by some chance only one sheet but it was cold enough & I slept soundly until 5 this morning under a blanket. I have made some sketches of Barbados which it is my present intention to send you shortly. Adieu my dear Kate, this short letter you will think acceptable as it will prove that I am again on land, although not dry land, well and as happy as I can be away from you & our dear children. Love to them all and regards to Miss Parker, not forgetting my good Uncle and MOB. I must now conclude. How are my two good fellows of sons? God bless you & them – Your affectionate FE. The Govr here was perfectly overwhelming in his reception yesterday.