Not dated at head, written from Demerara 26 August 1836
I had written the greater part of my letter to you my dear Kate at my own home when I was sent for by the Govr as usual for some trifling affair but it made me so late that under the supposition the return Mail boat would leave this at two oclock, on my return I was forced to write away as fast as possibly my official letters for Barbados of which it happens I have had plenty of late. So soon as I completed them I mounted my nag to be in time. I was at a hand gallop when I met my messenger who stated there was no great haste for the bag would not close before 4. It was now ½ past 3, therefore don’t be vexed shd this be a shorter letter than usual and only to report how well feel and how happy I could be were I one of my valuable party at Wickham. If possible I think more than ever of you all from knowing you are all together & I the only transported one. Tomorrow the sugar ship Louisa Baily sails for London and I shall conclude my other letter on my return and forward it by her. What detains me here I know not. Capt Victor has been in Barbados some weeks and I understand by all passengers to this quarter that I am expected, but still the final order for the change has not been issued. This affords Sir Comical an opportunity of shewing his bad disposition and tormenting me in every way he can but I grin and bear it and as yet he has not succeeded in vexing me. He made an effort to grant away some Ord property which I protested against & in reply to my address to the Resp officers he threatened to report me to the Master Genl. All this and much more went before Sir Charles Smith & the Govr Genl. Their reply has set Sir Comical mad. After long comments on the unusual proceeding on his part they closed by adding that if Capt E had not acted as he did he would have neglected his duty. In fact Sir Charles has supported me in the most straight forward manly manner & I take great care to be guided by the Regulations. Since this I have found out a Grant about to be closed of land adjoining the Ordnance at Berbice which I have also stopped & poor Molesworth has to make a survey of it. All this is very amusing so long as one can go on with temper. I have contrived so to do and as yet beat him out of the field. He is a dangerous fellow and not the high minded man he wishes to be thought. One great sin of mine is leaving this which he think is of my own seeking but is in error. I can tell you much on this subject, not worth putting to paper but when we meet. Probably at that time I shall be too happy to think of all the horrors of this climate or the greatest horror Sir Com. Mr Molesworth has been very ill and only just recovered. He writes in good spirits – still it must be miserable for him after having tasted the comfort of a married life at Tobago. Very little has occurred since I last wrote. Last week I visited the Ports of Mahiaca & Post D’Urban, sleeping at a Mr Reed’s, a very agreeable planter who resides on that coast. On my way down, a friend driving me, a gig with two knowing looking hands passed us and the horse, not liking to quit such respectable company went bolt into the side trench, a ditch about 5 ft deep or more and 18 or 20 wide full of muddy water. I never laughed more in my life, for no accident happened. Your charming batch of letters, say two detachments, came to hand on the 19th Inst and truly I was delighted with them. The first was written in far better spirits than the latter, but on the whole I think you appear as happy as circumstances will admit of. What have you done about the Carriage? And the harness, what of that? You never told me what color the car was. The sooner Augt can be got from home the better. He is too old for village society. We shall have him in love or some nonsense. I would write to Ld Fitz Roy but the uncertainty of his getting it and the time before I could get a reply would leave me three months in anxiety. How are all at Catisfield? Regards to my Uncles. A signal for a vessel from Barbados is up – some news most likely but I cannot wait for this letter must be sent off. When at Barbados I shall write in more spirit and have more to write about. How are my dear Girls, Master Fred & Augt? Is Charley better? Love to all. My wardrobe wants Jane much. I have had about 14 pr of trowsers made but my other equipment looks shy. God bless you my dearest Kate. Tell Miss P I miss her letters very much.
Believe me your affect Fred
26th Augst 36